What is Bower?
Front-end package manager
Normally used in modern open source and closed source projects
What Bower can do?
Managing components which contains HTML, CSS, JavaScript, fonts, etc.
Install right versions of packages and necessary dependencies of it.
Bower depends on Node.js and npm.
Git is needed.
Some bower packages require git to be fetched and installed.
No need to download the dependencies manually.
Can define a range of acceptable versions for a dependency.
Easy to update to newer versions within defined range.
No need to commit dependencies to version control.
Can distribute json file to install the package.
Installing bower
Bower is a node module, and can be installed with the following command:
npm install –g bower
This will install bower globally on your system.
Can check the version of bower with following command:
bower -version
Initial bower
Packages are defined by a manifest file bower.json.
Can create a bower.json with the following command:
bower init
You can set the setting specification during bower initializing.
Installing packages and dependencies
Install dependencies listed in bower.json
bower install
Install a package and add it to bower.json.
bower install <package> --save
Install specific version of a package and add it to bower.json.
bower install <package>#<version> --save
Update packages
To update all existing packages.
bower update
Use packages
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ref="bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css">
All of the installed packages will be existed under the “bower_components” folder.
Search packages
To search available packages.
bower search <package>
Uninstall packages
To uninstall a locally installed package
bower uninstall <package-name>
Bower can be configured using json in a “.bowerrc” file.
“directory” : “js/libs”
It will downloaded the packages into js/libs folder.