Let's convert Runnable/Executable Jar file to .exe file on Windows.
We can use Launch4J for this. (http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/)
Firstly, we will need Executable Jar File.
Then open Launch4J Application.
Add Jar file location directory and .exe output file directory.
Add Classpath by ticking "Custom classpath" checkbox and select existing Jar file.
Add JRE, Min JRE version must be filled. I used JRE 1.8 here. Unchecked "Fallback Option" if it is already checked.
Click Setting icon to compile the Jar file. It will ask you to save the .xml file for current setting of Launch4J. You will see successfully created message on log field.
The application with .exe extension will be created.
You can run by double clicking it.